Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club serves Bridgeville and surrounding areas. The club accepts members from ages 5-19. We encourage our members to get the most of what 4-H has to offer by actively participating in club, county and state 4-H events.4-H is a family activity and we encourage family participation in 4-H activities. In November we have family night to recognize club members for all their accomplishments through out the previous year.
Yearly dues are $5.00 for each member. The money in our account is used to fund various club projects such as window display, horse show trophy, community services projects, and other activities through out the year. Periodically some projects or special meetings may require a small additional fee. These projects will be project related and eligible to be entered at the Delaware State Fair.
Monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of every month at Union United Methodist Church, Market Street., Bridgeville, DE. Use the rear parking lot and rear door. Meeting time is 6:45 games/songs, 7 pm business meeting/activity.
Please read about our committment to Civil Rights