Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Mustang monthly meeting:  Thurs., 02/20, 6:30 pm Exploring 4-Hers, 7 pm monthly meeting

Mustang Winter Fun Fest
Due to snow and wind, the Fun Fest was rescheduled to Saturday, 02/22, Union UMC, 4-8pm.
Please contact me no later than this Friday, 02/7 if….
·       You signed up and can no longer attend or
·       You can now attend and wish to sign up.
The materials and supplies have already been purchased for this event.  We need accurate numbers by the 7th.  

We are in need of empty toilet paper rolls for an activity.  Please begin saving them and bring them to the meeting on the 20th.

Service project:
          Kaleb P. brought the project “Share a Second Helping” to my attention.  This is an easy way for us to help those in need.  See the attached flyer for more detailed information.  The goal of the drive is to collect 100,000 pounds of food by the end of February.  Kaleb has willingly agreed to transport all collected food to a food collection station.  If every member, including Cloverbuds, would bring in 1,2,or even 3 non-perishable food items….imagine the impact we could make.  There are many people around us that are hungry, and we don’t even know.  Please bring what you can to the February meeting.  Thanks Kaleb for sharing this community project!

Thanks and see you soon,