Friday, July 18, 2014

It's Time for the Fair!!

The Fair is upon us and the Mustangs have a good showing of projects in the 4H building, make sure to check them out while you are at the fair. 
Congrats to those that participated in the talent show last night.  
  Jenna A. placed 4th with her dance routine.  The Mustang group of Kaleb, Tanner, Ryan, Mallary, MacKenzie, Erin and Rachel did a great job with their sign language performance of "We Believe".

There is still a need for volunteers to help host/hostess.  Please sign up to help.  If you are interested see one of the agents in the 4-H building while you are there. They will get you on the list.  It’s not a hard job and you never know who you may get to meet.  

The Mustangs will be riding the float in the Fair parade on Thursday at 7PM please arrive at least 15 minutes early to get on the float. 
If you are participating in public speaking, demonstrations, archery, animal showing, etc. please get your schedule to Mrs. Marian so that we can come out and support you at that time.

See you at the Fair!!